Monday, October 25, 2010

Week #9: Dimension/Depth/Space

The photo I have chosen is from the virtual world, Second Life. I chose this photo because it relates to graphic design as well as Veeder’s Depth/Size Perception notes. The image creates a graphic illusion of space to the viewer because it makes the computer screen look as if it has a three-dimensional dance party going on inside. This image relates to overlapping, relative height, and even linear perspective. The depth cue, overlap, occurs where the woman with blonde hair is standing in front of the man in white pants and the woman with a red shirt. From this perspective, the blonde woman seems closer to the screen because she is overlapping the two people behind her. The image relates to relative height because the woman with purple hair is below the horizon line which makes her seem closer to the screen, as opposed to the woman in the red shirt that is above or on the horizon line that seems further away. The linear perspective in this photo is a main component because the floor, ceiling, and walls have a lot to do with how we visually see this image. The picture appears to be in a 3-D space even though were viewing it from a 2-D surface. The linear perspective in this image indicates greater distance as the walls go back and it appears that the vanishing point would be behind the woman in the red shirt.

Photo found at:

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